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3 Days, 2 Nights Gateway to Ecological Treasures

3 Days, 2 Nights Gateway to Ecological Treasures

From RM1,480/pax

Previously known as Jesselton while under the British colonial rule, Kota Kinabalu is a coastal city partly surrounded by the rainforest. This city is known for its bustling markets, beaches and Kota Kinabalu City Mosque. It is the gateway to the famous Kinabalu National Park which is home to Mount Kinabalu at 4,095 meters high.



Kinabalu National Park

Malaysia’s first World Heritage Site covering 754 square kilometers, Kinabalu National Park has more than 5,000 plant species and approximately 90 lowland mammal species. Its main attraction is none other than Mount Kinabalu, one of the highest mountains in South East Asia at approximately 4,100 meters high. The two day return trek to the summit of the mountain is sure to challenge intrepid climbers.

Mabul Island

This island’s geographic location puts it in the center of the richest marine habitat in the world. With more than 3,000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species, Mabul Island is renowned for its large number of green and hawksbill turtles. The best way to go snorkeling at the island is to charter a small fishing boat to take you around. However, you can also go snorkeling near the shore, jetty area and Lobster Wall, a slope running down to about 20 meters deep. This site consists of colorful reefs covered with various species of nudibranch and several different types of pipefish.



Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park

This park consists of several islands including Gaya Island, Sapi Island, Manukan Island, Mamutik Island and Sulug Island. Spend the day island hopping and go snorkeling or scuba diving to enjoy the diverse marine life. You can visit this marine park all year round as there isn’t really a monsoon season in this part of Malaysia, but generally avoid coming between November and February as there might be more rainfall than usual.

Kabili Sepilok Nature Reserve

Named after two rivers that flow through it, this reserve is home to a diverse array of wildlife, and flora and fauna. This includes the world famous Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Center where visitors get to learn more about the orang utans. There are also many nature trails to choose from such as the Water Hole Trail and Mangrove Forest Trail that take you from tropical highland forests to lowland mangrove swamps.